This web site is provided and maintained by the Commission for Aeronautical Met Expert Team on Education and Training (CAeM ET/ET), a voluntary group convened under the auspices of the Aeronautical Meteorology Programme (AeMP) of the World Meteorological Organization. The CAeM ET/ET comprises aeronautical meteorology experts from around the world as nominated by individual WMO member states and then endorsed during CAeM XIV in Hong Kong in February 2010.

The aim of this resource is to provide the best available aeronautical meteorology training and guidance material sourced from around the world. The web site's content covers both operational and non-operational aspects of aeronautical meteorology although the site's primary focus is the specialist needs of the aeronautical forecaster. All the material on the site is reviewed by the ET/ET.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 8:10 PM