WMO RAII Aeronautical Meteorology Webinar 2024

WMO RAII Aeronautical Meteorology Webinar 2024

by Kathy-Ann Caesar -
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Presentations from  the webinar "WMO RAII Aeronautical Meteorology Webinar 2024",

The WMO Regional Association II (Asia) (RA II) Aeronautical Meteorology Webinar 2024 is organised by the RA II Expert Team on Services for Aviation (ET-AVI) under the RA II Working Group on Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (RA II WG-Services). The ET-AVI is tasked to:

     (i) support the RA II WG Services in the identification of meteorological capabilities to fulfill the needs of aviation users,

     (ii) facilitate the sharing of experience and good practices uptake and exchange of scientific and technological advancement,

     (iii) promote effective governance of aeronautical meteorological service provision, and

     (iv) develop training material and other educational/ learning outreach to assist Members in the implementation of quality management systems and compliance with the competency and qualification requirements of aeronautical meteorological personnel.

Further details are available on the webinar on the WMO Meetings site.

Kind regards